The New Asian Hemisphere

This book, written almost a decade ago, seems to have some of its predictions told then coming true today. The New Asian Hemisphere by Kishore Mahbubani speaks about the rise of Asia and how it will alter the global economics and political landscape previously dominated by the West such as North America, Western Europe and Canada. Asian civilization has been quick to build upon the pillars of Western wisdom, such as free-market economics, science and technology, the rule of law, education, etc. all of which has enabled the West to out develop and out perform its Asian counterparts.

Mr Mahbubani, a distinguished former ambassador from Singapore, in his book, does on to illustrate some of the difficulties the West will face (and why the West are not celebrating Asia’s rise) in adjusting to these global changes in dynamics. He also points out that the West are focusing more on the dangers and not on the opportunities that follow.

Mr Mahbubani is not afraid to state his views and does not mince his words. He openly critics some of the philosophies of the Western World. However, he does so in an intellectual way. He chooses to invoke the thoughts of the readers into questioning some of the underlying assumptions and enter into this great debate of ‘The irresistible shift of global power to the east.’

Some after reading may feel some discomfort in his way of writing but discomfort, or a shift from the norm, is the first step to changing one’s mindset. Read this book with an open mind, and prepare to be moved.